Saturday 16 July 2011

Hokkien Mee aka Prawn Noodles...

Penang is well known for hokkien mee or more commonly known across the country as Prawn Mee. There are plenty of stalls scattered around the state selling pretty good hokkien mee which are popular with foodies.

Recently I stumbled upon a coffee shop or it seems more like an old house converted partially into a coffee shop selling this popular noodles. It is located at Jalan CY Choy, the road that leads to town where it crosses Jalan Magazine. Unfortunately the shop has no name but it has a banner announcing that the original Hokkien Mee is available here which makes locating the shop much easier. It is only available from early morning to around 1pm. 

The hokkien mee here is quite good and they sell Loh Mee too. Some have commented that the broth is too sweet but taste of it is on par with most of the popular ones. Go ahead and explore it!

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