Saturday 28 June 2014

Probably the best Laksa Lemak in town...

Stumbled upon this little shop at Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling during one of my bicycle adventure in the heart of George Town.  The shop is called "Chin Chai Chiak" a hokkien dialect which literally means anything can be eaten...errr doesn't make sense right? 
But who cares when the food is good. 
One item in the menu caught my attention immediately when I flipped the menu is "Crab Laksa Lemak".  I am a big fan of laksa and without hesitation I ordered one of the most expensive laksa in Penang.  Its RM 14.90 per bowl.  The owner said that they used actual crab meat to cook and therefore the hefty price tag.
My laksa arrived 10 minutes later and it smelt incredibly nice and enticing.  Nothing too special about the presentation but the taste blew me away.  It was most probably the best Laksa Lemak I have ever tasted.  A good laksa needs a good broth, and here they passed with flying colors.  It was thick, rich and you can taste the full aromatic flavored of various herbs used.  The sweetness from the crab meat is not too overwhelming and the rice noodles were cooked to perfection.  Worth every penny I said!

The shop address is 132, Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, 10020 George Town Penang.

Friday 22 June 2012

Caught in the wild...


Stumbled upon this beauty in the wild while exploring the durian farm of Balik Pulau.  Amazing that she was unperturbed even I got pretty close to snap her picture.  Truly a remarkable experience.  

Pictured here in her nest on a Langsat Tree. 

A thorny affair in June...

A bunch of thorny beauties...


Penang has been well known in Malaysia and most probably in the world as the place to go during June to end of July to savour these Thorny "King of Fruits".

Picture above showed "Hor Lor", a brand that has won numerous awards and can be considered one of the best in Malaysia.  

Saturday 25 February 2012

In my mum's backyard...

Captured during Chinese New Year 2012 in my mum's backyard...

Canon EOS550D with Tamron AF90mm Macro lens.

Let's Drink Like a Fish!

Where else can you get a glass of beer at 50 cents but in Siem Reap.  Almost every pubs and restaurants in Siem Reap are selling their local draft beers (Angkor and Cambodia Beer) at this ridiculously low price.  Certainly a haven for people who can drink like a fish.  In fact the local beers are usually the cheapest beverages you can find in their menus...(yes, it is even cheaper than a bottle of mineral water). 

USD 10.00 is more than enough to get you drunk.  CHEERS!


Tuesday 21 February 2012

My favourite nyonyas in Penang...

There are plenty of Nyonya restaurants in Penang but 2 restaurants that stand out and are at the league of their own are Seri Batik Nyonya Restaurant at New World Park and Nyonya Breeze Desire at Straits Quay.

The food there has never failed to impress me eventhough I have been there countless times.  

SERI BATIK - Dishes I would recommend are Lor Bak, Assam Pedas Fish, Pineapple Curry with Prawn, Joo Hu Char and Black Pork Chop.

NYONYA BREEZE DESIRE - Dishes worth mentioning are Potato Leaves in Coconut Milk, Sambal Petai Udang, Sambal Udang Goreng, Too Tor Thng and Nyonya Curry Chicken.

Reservation required especially on weekends.

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Saturday 17 September 2011

Heavenly Curry Mee

This is one of my favourite hawker's can be found at most of the popular hawker centre in town. This picture was taken at New World Park. The seller has been in business for many many years. She used to operate from a stall at Swatow Lane when New World Park was not built yet.  Her curry mee is well known for being very aromatic while her curry soup is thick and creamy.

Give it a try when you are New World might come back for more.

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